@article{oai:ashitech.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000237, author = {大沼, 美雄 and OHNUMA, Yoshio}, issue = {58}, journal = {足利大学研究集録}, month = {Mar}, note = {The Monument of Nasukokuzo, commonly known as Kasaishi, is a national treasure located at kasaishi shrine at yudukami,otawara city, tochigi prefecture, and is counted as one of Japan's three greatest ancient monuments. It was discovered in 1676. Mita Shohei (1812-1893), a feudal retainer of the Kurobane clan, spent about 7 years deciphering the inscription, and published “ Nasu kokuzohi kou ” in October 1878. He had 19 of his disciples compose a Chinese poem entitled “ Kasaishikaiko ” . This paper is a modern translation of the collection of Chinese poetry “ Kasaishikaiko ” .}, pages = {12--73}, title = {『笠石懐古』全詳解 黒羽・大田原・仙台の漢詩人たちが「那須国造碑」について詠んだ二十九首など}, year = {2023}, yomi = {オオヌマ, ヨシオ} }