@article{oai:ashitech.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000266, author = {中野, 真樹 and NAKANO, Maki and 釆澤, 陽子 and UNEZAWA, Yoko and 茂木, 克浩 and MOGI, Katsuhiro}, issue = {1}, journal = {足利短期大学研究紀要第44巻第1号, MEMOIRS OF ASHIKAGA JUNIOR COLLEGE No.44 March,2024}, month = {Mar}, note = {This study investigates and analyzes students' preparation status for childcare training and teaching training at childcare training schools, as well as their sense of difficulty and sense of accomplishment after completing the training. In recent years, the values and work styles of childcare students have changed, and that their academic abilities have become more diverse. There has been an increase in the number of students who express an intense sense of difficulty in practical training or are unable to complete practical training. Therefore, it is time to reexamine the conventional way of training support. Therefore, we conducted a questionnaire survey on students immediately after completing their teaching practicum II to find out how their preparation status and proficiency in childcare skills such as the piano were related to students' sense of difficulty and accomplishment after the practicum. We will clarify this and consider ways to improve training support at childcare training schools.}, pages = {37--52}, title = {保育者養成校における実習指導の改善に関する調査研究-短期大学2年次教育実習Ⅱ実施後のアンケートをもとに-}, volume = {44}, year = {2024}, yomi = {ナカノ, マキ and ウネザワ, ヨウコ and モギ, カツヒロ} }