@article{oai:ashitech.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000194, author = {茂木, 克浩 and MOGI, Katsuhiro and 中村, 光絵 and NAKAMURA, Mitsue}, issue = {1}, journal = {足利短期大学研究紀要, MEMOIRS OF ASHIKAGA JUNIOR COLLEGE}, month = {Mar}, note = {In this paper, we report the relationship between activities related to artistic expression in early childhood and "likes and dislikes" ,and their poor at art by junior high school students. This is the second report. I was carried out by the question paper investigation. Among the questions, this time, we focused on "experience using blocks and wood blocks in early childhood", "experience of touching picture books in early childhood", "experience of visiting museums in early childhood", and "storage status at home of works produced in early childhood and elementary school age". As a result, we were able to find the possibility that various experiences such as "composition play using blocks and wood blocks", "touching picture books", and "experience of exhibiting and appreciating works" will create positive feelings about art in the future. (著者抄録)}, pages = {63--72}, title = {幼児期の造形表現体験と中学生の美術科に対する意識との関連Ⅱ−構成遊び,鑑賞に関わる経験に着目して−}, volume = {41}, year = {2021}, yomi = {モギ, カツヒロ and ナカムラ, ミツエ} }